Do Your Eyebrows Make You Look Fat?!?!
Here's what I've found,it's pretty popular to have thinner eyebrows,people think it makes them look more distinguished,but in fact it can do the opposite,having thinner eyebrows can make a heavy face look heavier!
Eugenia Weston founder of Senna Cosmetics and favorite makeup artist of such stars as Ashlee Simpson and Bette Midler says "A thicker brow makes a fuller face appear thinner and more proportioned,because it helps fill in all the open areas of a heavier face" When I read that I was shocked I'd never thought about eyebrows making such an impact on a persons face,but knowing that now...
Ladies no over tweezing those beautiful eyebrows!
Seriously though,some of you ladies may be able to go with the thinner eyebrow but not all of us can,just a helpful tip if your wondering what you should do to look thinner or if you are wanting a change,why not try the thicker brow look?
Also being complemented on looking skinny is always an enjoyable thing!
Why not have the look start with your brows? ;)
Ash xx

By Ashley Bishop
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Sunday, August 18, 2013
My Surprise!
Hey Guy's!
Just a update I wanted to share
with you that happened today.
My Mama-inlaw came over and she had a little gift for me,while she was out shopping she seen these and thought I would like them. Lip Clips!
They are so cute,she knows I love anything to do with lipstick :) I hope everyone is having an awesome Sunday! Ash xx
Just a update I wanted to share

My Mama-inlaw came over and she had a little gift for me,while she was out shopping she seen these and thought I would like them. Lip Clips!
They are so cute,she knows I love anything to do with lipstick :) I hope everyone is having an awesome Sunday! Ash xx
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Nothing like saving three lives!
This story was unexpected,never thought anything like this would happen (Ever)!
So just a few days ago,my hubby and I were out to dinner with my mama_inlaw,lovely dinner,great conversation,good times,well afterwards we decide to go for a drive in the country,to finish off and nice evening,about 20 minutes into our drive,we're about to turn a corner and we see 3 kittens,at first we thought it was a mama cat out with her babies,but at a second glance it was just kittens alone! We stop,pull over and its still day light out enough to see ok,we walk over near them and up by this fence on the hill near them we see a broken up cat carrier,like someone had just thrown it and the kittens out of the back of a truck or something! So we pick the kittens up,they were so thin,and scared,but the minute we started talking to them and petting them what do we hear? Purring like crazy :)..
Carrying them over to the car, a white car pulls up by us the drivers window rolls down,a man and his wife tell us thank you for getting these,and that there has been many animal dumpings there before! Just last week they said they saved 2 other kittens and have them at their home now,(animal dumping)how could someone be so mean to just throw away a life like that,we took the poor kitties to our house,fed them,gave them water,held them,and gave them a place to rest! being out in the woods we guess a few days,no food,no water,all alone on the hot days and cold nights,wow the stories animals could tell us if they talked,one of them has a blind eye,it looks like someone was mean to her,we talked it over and agreed that she probably wouldn't have a chance at the shelter of being adopted,so we are keeping her,the other two looked just fine,so the next morning we went to the animal shelter with 2 of the kittens and what do we here? (Oh we are all full) I believe overloaded was the exact word she used,then she said if you give us a drop off fee for each kitten of I'm sure 50 dollars each though we can take care of them for you....I don't know what it was about the way she said (But We Can Take Care Of Them For You) then her grin she gave after saying that,it made me start thinking of ANYONE we knew that might be able to take them,then it popped both in my mind and my hubby's mind who could and we quickly said No! that's ok we know some people that might take them, them outta there!! And we really did know some people that would take them,so today we called and they said yes they would take them,they have a big barn near the house the kittens can play in,this afternoon we dropped them off :) I think they'll be really happy there,and we kept the one kitty,we could of gave all 3 to our friends but by just a days I was in love with her,so my hubby said ok we can keep her :)!! With that we now have a new member to our family,her name is (Oshaberi-na) which means talkative in Japanese,and believe me,she's talkative! She's so sweet,and lovie,I think she'll fit in just fine ;) Here's a few pictures of her,we guessed her about 10 weeks old :) Ash xx
So just a few days ago,my hubby and I were out to dinner with my mama_inlaw,lovely dinner,great conversation,good times,well afterwards we decide to go for a drive in the country,to finish off and nice evening,about 20 minutes into our drive,we're about to turn a corner and we see 3 kittens,at first we thought it was a mama cat out with her babies,but at a second glance it was just kittens alone! We stop,pull over and its still day light out enough to see ok,we walk over near them and up by this fence on the hill near them we see a broken up cat carrier,like someone had just thrown it and the kittens out of the back of a truck or something! So we pick the kittens up,they were so thin,and scared,but the minute we started talking to them and petting them what do we hear? Purring like crazy :)..
Carrying them over to the car, a white car pulls up by us the drivers window rolls down,a man and his wife tell us thank you for getting these,and that there has been many animal dumpings there before! Just last week they said they saved 2 other kittens and have them at their home now,(animal dumping)how could someone be so mean to just throw away a life like that,we took the poor kitties to our house,fed them,gave them water,held them,and gave them a place to rest! being out in the woods we guess a few days,no food,no water,all alone on the hot days and cold nights,wow the stories animals could tell us if they talked,one of them has a blind eye,it looks like someone was mean to her,we talked it over and agreed that she probably wouldn't have a chance at the shelter of being adopted,so we are keeping her,the other two looked just fine,so the next morning we went to the animal shelter with 2 of the kittens and what do we here? (Oh we are all full) I believe overloaded was the exact word she used,then she said if you give us a drop off fee for each kitten of I'm sure 50 dollars each though we can take care of them for you....I don't know what it was about the way she said (But We Can Take Care Of Them For You) then her grin she gave after saying that,it made me start thinking of ANYONE we knew that might be able to take them,then it popped both in my mind and my hubby's mind who could and we quickly said No! that's ok we know some people that might take them, them outta there!! And we really did know some people that would take them,so today we called and they said yes they would take them,they have a big barn near the house the kittens can play in,this afternoon we dropped them off :) I think they'll be really happy there,and we kept the one kitty,we could of gave all 3 to our friends but by just a days I was in love with her,so my hubby said ok we can keep her :)!! With that we now have a new member to our family,her name is (Oshaberi-na) which means talkative in Japanese,and believe me,she's talkative! She's so sweet,and lovie,I think she'll fit in just fine ;) Here's a few pictures of her,we guessed her about 10 weeks old :) Ash xx
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Where did I find this Beautiful Necklace you asked??
I can't tell..nope nope,not me,it's a secret!
Well I can share a few nibbles of info about it,for example,I got it for an amazing deal,I've never seen anything like it,when I seen it,it popped out at me,so shiny and gold,I love animal jewelry,I've never owned anything with a fox on it,should that become my new theme? Foxes Everywhere!
Was just a thought.
Today was my first time wearing it out,I got so many compliments!
Really surprised me,but a good surprise,one that can happen more often. :)
Ladies! Never forget to accessorize,it's like the icing on the cake!!
If your weekend has been good,I'm so happy for you!
If it hasn't been the best,maybe this next weekend will be awesomeness just waiting for you starting Friday night when you get done with work!
I can't tell..nope nope,not me,it's a secret!
Well I can share a few nibbles of info about it,for example,I got it for an amazing deal,I've never seen anything like it,when I seen it,it popped out at me,so shiny and gold,I love animal jewelry,I've never owned anything with a fox on it,should that become my new theme? Foxes Everywhere!
Was just a thought.
Today was my first time wearing it out,I got so many compliments!
Really surprised me,but a good surprise,one that can happen more often. :)
Ladies! Never forget to accessorize,it's like the icing on the cake!!
If your weekend has been good,I'm so happy for you!
If it hasn't been the best,maybe this next weekend will be awesomeness just waiting for you starting Friday night when you get done with work!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Swimming like mad
Hey Everyone!
I hope you've been well :)
I know I know its been forever since I was on here,we actually moved!
Which you I'm sure know is alot of work!!
Been getting used to my new area,I like it so far :)
Which,brings me to my blog entry today,we went swimming,the whole family,awesome water park,I wish I would of got some pictures,but I left my phone :( Didn't want it to get wet! (water,electronics) theyyyy dont mix,unless water proof! of course :)
But it was a blast! They had slides of all sizes,I tried a few but I really liked the diving board,I knOw,it surprised me too haha..But I felt like I had more control,I could jump when I wanted to,not go (my word so forgive me) Galahootin down a slippery,slidy,some what scary slid!
They had hot dogs on the grill,snow kones everywhere! and lots and lots of fun! I wonder can summer never end for me if I could go there everyday? mmm I doubt it...but really looking forward to it next year :D Goal for all during this coming winter buy lots of swim suits to wear everyday to the pool the coming summer! What? to much?
Talk again soon!
Ash ^_^
I hope you've been well :)
I know I know its been forever since I was on here,we actually moved!
Which you I'm sure know is alot of work!!
Been getting used to my new area,I like it so far :)
Which,brings me to my blog entry today,we went swimming,the whole family,awesome water park,I wish I would of got some pictures,but I left my phone :( Didn't want it to get wet! (water,electronics) theyyyy dont mix,unless water proof! of course :)
But it was a blast! They had slides of all sizes,I tried a few but I really liked the diving board,I knOw,it surprised me too haha..But I felt like I had more control,I could jump when I wanted to,not go (my word so forgive me) Galahootin down a slippery,slidy,some what scary slid!
They had hot dogs on the grill,snow kones everywhere! and lots and lots of fun! I wonder can summer never end for me if I could go there everyday? mmm I doubt it...but really looking forward to it next year :D Goal for all during this coming winter buy lots of swim suits to wear everyday to the pool the coming summer! What? to much?
Talk again soon!
Ash ^_^
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Time,it's an amazing thing,it has so many uses,without it,you wouldn't have
those moments with family,friends,pets,nature,alot of things wouldn't make sense,if your looking at this thinking yeah but I still don't have time for things,I hear you there!
Even though we are given 24 hours in a day,every day,somehow we never get everything we want done,we sometimes say out loud (I wish I had more hours in the day)!
Everyone has the same amount of time in this big world,it's really what we
choose to do with that time,with long lines at stores,on the roads tons of traffic,call waiting while you listen to that music you have no interest in while waiting on a voice to say (can I help you??).
Something I've been trying is at night before bed,I make a short list,it has to be short for me or I'd spend alot of my night with it,I'm like that I get going on a project and I don't want to leave it til it's done! So making a short list of things the night before,mainly of things I don't want to forget,yes there's alot of things to remember in our everyday lives,but things I want to remember that mean more then most everyday errands like make sure and give my family a hug sometime that day,text a couple of my friends and say they rock,give my pets if anything a few minutes of my day if not more,showing the more important things matter,after all it never seems like we have enough time in the day,who really matters to you,what time you do have,share it with them :)!
Lemme know if you tried the short list thing,and if it helped you too!
TIL Later! ^_^
those moments with family,friends,pets,nature,alot of things wouldn't make sense,if your looking at this thinking yeah but I still don't have time for things,I hear you there!
Even though we are given 24 hours in a day,every day,somehow we never get everything we want done,we sometimes say out loud (I wish I had more hours in the day)!
Everyone has the same amount of time in this big world,it's really what we
choose to do with that time,with long lines at stores,on the roads tons of traffic,call waiting while you listen to that music you have no interest in while waiting on a voice to say (can I help you??).
Something I've been trying is at night before bed,I make a short list,it has to be short for me or I'd spend alot of my night with it,I'm like that I get going on a project and I don't want to leave it til it's done! So making a short list of things the night before,mainly of things I don't want to forget,yes there's alot of things to remember in our everyday lives,but things I want to remember that mean more then most everyday errands like make sure and give my family a hug sometime that day,text a couple of my friends and say they rock,give my pets if anything a few minutes of my day if not more,showing the more important things matter,after all it never seems like we have enough time in the day,who really matters to you,what time you do have,share it with them :)!
Lemme know if you tried the short list thing,and if it helped you too!
TIL Later! ^_^
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Traffic Everywhere!
It seems like when I need to go out of the house or even get in the vehicle to go somewhere,you pull out of your drive way and boom there it is,you can't go can't go back,your stuck,sometimes in the shade which isn't to bad,but what about if your in the sun?? Burning up! Your skin is turning red,it has a fever,you of course didn't even think of getting the sun block on because you thought you'd be going from point A to point B no biggie,you know,warning to everyone that ever leaves your house,wear sun screen. If it's not the hot sun which don't get me wrong I love the sun I enjoy being in it but if your not ready to be in it at all?'s not as fun for sure. Something else you may not be ready for is,ok,your not burning up,your maybe in the shade or near a cool area and someone pulls up next to you and you don't want to stare over,but you glanze over and they are staring at you,you wonder is something wrong with how I look? I wasn't doing anything weird just a minute ago was I? All these questions start coming up in your mind from just one person staring,I don't mind so much if someone else is driving and I'm in the passenger seat if we're in traffic I will check my makeup,put more lip gloss on,turn on the radio,text on my phone,talk with the one driving,and if your in traffic,another warning don't drink to many sodas,water,or juice it makes for another bad timing moment :P All in all Traffic can be a pain,but try to make the most of your time :) All these other people have places they gotta go to just like you,be kind and you'll get to go where you need to as soon as possible. Til Later ^_^
It seems like when I need to go out of the house or even get in the vehicle to go somewhere,you pull out of your drive way and boom there it is,you can't go can't go back,your stuck,sometimes in the shade which isn't to bad,but what about if your in the sun?? Burning up! Your skin is turning red,it has a fever,you of course didn't even think of getting the sun block on because you thought you'd be going from point A to point B no biggie,you know,warning to everyone that ever leaves your house,wear sun screen. If it's not the hot sun which don't get me wrong I love the sun I enjoy being in it but if your not ready to be in it at all?'s not as fun for sure. Something else you may not be ready for is,ok,your not burning up,your maybe in the shade or near a cool area and someone pulls up next to you and you don't want to stare over,but you glanze over and they are staring at you,you wonder is something wrong with how I look? I wasn't doing anything weird just a minute ago was I? All these questions start coming up in your mind from just one person staring,I don't mind so much if someone else is driving and I'm in the passenger seat if we're in traffic I will check my makeup,put more lip gloss on,turn on the radio,text on my phone,talk with the one driving,and if your in traffic,another warning don't drink to many sodas,water,or juice it makes for another bad timing moment :P All in all Traffic can be a pain,but try to make the most of your time :) All these other people have places they gotta go to just like you,be kind and you'll get to go where you need to as soon as possible. Til Later ^_^
Friday, April 5, 2013
Welcome Spring!
To go from Ice cold outside,snow everywhere,to some days chilly others warm,you really dont know from day to day it seems like,but then you hear the weather man say Ok Spring is on it's way and wow those are beautiful words,spring? really? that means flowers,green grass,bumble bees buzzing around the flowers helping the earth make more beautiful flowers and yummy honey,what else do I think of? Bright colors,cute tops and adorable
shorts with blinged up sandles!
Real tan,maybe fake tan...don't want wrinkles to fast :o
Bright nails polishes (pinks,greens,baby blues,orange etc..)
Wicked lip colors haha I sound like I'm from New York or something (wicked)
:p When new seasons come I feel this sad feel like ohh it just left without even saying bye..but I know it will be back then here comes the new season,so of course when spring leaves..I will miss it,but I know summer will be right there ready for fun in the sun,swimming wow I can't wait til it gets warmer to go swimming! I feel like Hammy right now Off of (over the Hedge) haha Focusing :) Spring is an exciting time every year,and I can't wait to enjoy this one with you guy's!
Let me know your thoughts on spring being here your best spring color? :) Til Later ^_^
shorts with blinged up sandles!
Real tan,maybe fake tan...don't want wrinkles to fast :o
Bright nails polishes (pinks,greens,baby blues,orange etc..)
Wicked lip colors haha I sound like I'm from New York or something (wicked)
:p When new seasons come I feel this sad feel like ohh it just left without even saying bye..but I know it will be back then here comes the new season,so of course when spring leaves..I will miss it,but I know summer will be right there ready for fun in the sun,swimming wow I can't wait til it gets warmer to go swimming! I feel like Hammy right now Off of (over the Hedge) haha Focusing :) Spring is an exciting time every year,and I can't wait to enjoy this one with you guy's!
Let me know your thoughts on spring being here your best spring color? :) Til Later ^_^
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Always Make Time For You
Like most of you,I'm preparing for my week starting tomorrow,but I've finished that now...what do I do with the rest of my evening,(thinking how much time will I have for me this coming week?) ...Not much,but that's ok,why don't I take some time now,I have this book I've not got around to reading..and here's some good music to listen to ahhh maybe I should try to relax by reading by candle light,you know like they used to have to do in the old days where they would sit either in front of a fire place or at a desk by a lamp or candle to read,turn my phone down,turn the tv off,have my soothing music going and my candle burning with that beautiful flame it has and enjoy a good book,hehe of course my dog Peanut wanted to read or lick my book however you want to put it,I think there will always be different things that will distract us in one way or another but never forget to take time for yourself!
You deserve it and need it to keep you looking younger longer,there has been studies about people growing older faster if they don't get off the fast lane every now and then,take the time to look at your life,your family,your pets,you and part of looking at you is making time for yourself.
Til Later! ^_^
You deserve it and need it to keep you looking younger longer,there has been studies about people growing older faster if they don't get off the fast lane every now and then,take the time to look at your life,your family,your pets,you and part of looking at you is making time for yourself.
Til Later! ^_^
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Tip! Save you money and Leaves your Legs feeling wonderful!
Shaving using Hair Conditioner and your Razor!! It Works!
I discovered this awesome way to save money and still have smooth feeling legs! :)
Most of us always seem to have alot of conditioner on hand and I mean even if you use your conditioner everyday you still have alot of conditioner on hand!
I noticed I was almost out of my normal shaving creme that I use and I felt the shaving creme between my fingers and thought "you know this feels alot like my hair conditioner " And (Walla!) So I put just a little bit in my hand and put it on my legs then I shaved,it was a moisturizer and my legs felt smooth from being shaved!! I recommend this for sure! please try it and tell me what you think :)
Remember not to use to much conditioner just a bit goes a ways,I used a more natural brand of conditioner but you can use whatever you have :)
Til Later! ^_^
I discovered this awesome way to save money and still have smooth feeling legs! :)
Most of us always seem to have alot of conditioner on hand and I mean even if you use your conditioner everyday you still have alot of conditioner on hand!
I noticed I was almost out of my normal shaving creme that I use and I felt the shaving creme between my fingers and thought "you know this feels alot like my hair conditioner " And (Walla!) So I put just a little bit in my hand and put it on my legs then I shaved,it was a moisturizer and my legs felt smooth from being shaved!! I recommend this for sure! please try it and tell me what you think :)
Remember not to use to much conditioner just a bit goes a ways,I used a more natural brand of conditioner but you can use whatever you have :)
Til Later! ^_^
Friday, March 8, 2013
What I was asked about!
I really liked this look,it's perfect for a night out and perfect for a romantic night in.
I got alot of (Qs) about how to get this smokey eye and red...deep red lip color,it's very simple,a little blending in the right areas and amazing results come about! To start off,on the eye lids,taking a deep blue color putting that on your upper eye crease,do a window wipe motion,then take a pearl or light shiny maybe silver if you have that and placing some of that color on your upper eyelid ball area and put some color under your brows and in the inner corners of your eyes for that widen effect,blend well,lastly on the eyes,put your favorite black eye pencil on your lower lash line and apply lots of mascara!
Apply your foundation and blush on your cheeks and last,line your lips with a darker lip liner color then your naturel lip color and then fill them in and just put gloss over them!! and DONE! :D
Thanks for reading,Hope this helps the ones that asked about my look,you guys are great!
Remember to follow me here on My Blog,also check out My Instagram page that is updated daily!#hourglass23 and My Twitter #hourglass21 and My Pinterest page Ashley Bishop (hourglass21) Til Later! ^_^
I got alot of (Qs) about how to get this smokey eye and red...deep red lip color,it's very simple,a little blending in the right areas and amazing results come about! To start off,on the eye lids,taking a deep blue color putting that on your upper eye crease,do a window wipe motion,then take a pearl or light shiny maybe silver if you have that and placing some of that color on your upper eyelid ball area and put some color under your brows and in the inner corners of your eyes for that widen effect,blend well,lastly on the eyes,put your favorite black eye pencil on your lower lash line and apply lots of mascara!
Apply your foundation and blush on your cheeks and last,line your lips with a darker lip liner color then your naturel lip color and then fill them in and just put gloss over them!! and DONE! :D
Thanks for reading,Hope this helps the ones that asked about my look,you guys are great!
Remember to follow me here on My Blog,also check out My Instagram page that is updated daily!#hourglass23 and My Twitter #hourglass21 and My Pinterest page Ashley Bishop (hourglass21) Til Later! ^_^
How many times do your animals make you smile each day? They really are a gift in many ways,they get you up in the morning,they help you exercise,they make you laugh from cute little things they do just how they look up at you with those adorable eyes,it's the moments only you and your loving pet see,it matters if they matter to you,in alot of ways your pets help fulfill your daily life!
The more you are happy and feeling good,the younger you stay which makes you even happier right?? :) haha
Here's my little girl Peanut :) she is an amazing dog I'm so fortunatee to have her!!
(update of the day)
Love your animals,because they love you,like no
one else. ^_^
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Makeup look
Hey Everyone!
I've been trying new looks out,I love makeup!
I'm going to be posting new beauty tips and new makeup looks,really excited,if you have makeup looks you'd like me to try out,leave me a comment and I'll get back with you! :)
These photos are of a look I did a couple nights ago,lemme know if you like it. ^_^
I've been trying new looks out,I love makeup!
I'm going to be posting new beauty tips and new makeup looks,really excited,if you have makeup looks you'd like me to try out,leave me a comment and I'll get back with you! :)
These photos are of a look I did a couple nights ago,lemme know if you like it. ^_^
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
My new makeup look
Hey Everyone!
I haven't had much time for my blog,to write,post pictures or really anything,
I've been pretty busy and I'm guessing I'm only going to get busier,but that's ok,being busy
isn't a bad thing at all as long as you still remember to take time for you and
for other people in your life :) I really enjoy updating my blog for you all,I'm going to do my best to keep it up!!
So a couple days ago I did this new makeup look on myself,if you follow me on
Instagram you probably seen when I posted it. Some of you asked for me to say how I
made this look,so here it is :)
I put my liquid foundation on,it should be a shade darker then your skin color for maximum cover,but not to dark,you just want it to cover any imperfections you want to hide,so then I covered my entire face with the makeup.
I contoured my face some and highlighted it a bit,then I colored in my eye brows using a black brown colored eye brow pencil.
I went straight into using my eye shadows,with a eye shadow
brush,I sweeped my eye upper eyelid right below my eye brow with this pearl color and the inner corners of my eyes with it,then on the ball of my eyelid I used the same color and blended it well,I then used a dark blue
color and put that right on my eye crease on my upper eyelid and did a window wiper move to get the color all in my eye crease after it was blended in,I started bringing it up at the outer end of my eye,making a boomerang shape,and just staying in that shape I blended more,then I used a green color mascara,I know it sounds weird,blue eye shadow and green mascara,but it makes your eyes pop,then I used a black eye pencil for my lower eyelids.It's amazing what a little contouring,and blending can do,both of these words are your friend :)
On to the cheeks I picked a light pink blush,using my blush brush I put most of the color on the apples of my cheeks,if you have trouble figuring out where all to put the blush,to find the apples of your cheeks,just smile and their the part that stick out a bit up front on your cheeks,next I used a brown color lip pencil to outline my lips and a to finish off I put a deep red lip gloss on.
Look Complete!
I really like this look,I hope you do too,If you have any questions about this look let me know,if you'd like to follow me on Instagram it's

Hope you guy's have a great day,until next time! :)
I haven't had much time for my blog,to write,post pictures or really anything,
I've been pretty busy and I'm guessing I'm only going to get busier,but that's ok,being busy
isn't a bad thing at all as long as you still remember to take time for you and
for other people in your life :) I really enjoy updating my blog for you all,I'm going to do my best to keep it up!!
So a couple days ago I did this new makeup look on myself,if you follow me on
Instagram you probably seen when I posted it. Some of you asked for me to say how I
made this look,so here it is :)
I put my liquid foundation on,it should be a shade darker then your skin color for maximum cover,but not to dark,you just want it to cover any imperfections you want to hide,so then I covered my entire face with the makeup.
I contoured my face some and highlighted it a bit,then I colored in my eye brows using a black brown colored eye brow pencil.
I went straight into using my eye shadows,with a eye shadow
brush,I sweeped my eye upper eyelid right below my eye brow with this pearl color and the inner corners of my eyes with it,then on the ball of my eyelid I used the same color and blended it well,I then used a dark blue
color and put that right on my eye crease on my upper eyelid and did a window wiper move to get the color all in my eye crease after it was blended in,I started bringing it up at the outer end of my eye,making a boomerang shape,and just staying in that shape I blended more,then I used a green color mascara,I know it sounds weird,blue eye shadow and green mascara,but it makes your eyes pop,then I used a black eye pencil for my lower eyelids.It's amazing what a little contouring,and blending can do,both of these words are your friend :)
On to the cheeks I picked a light pink blush,using my blush brush I put most of the color on the apples of my cheeks,if you have trouble figuring out where all to put the blush,to find the apples of your cheeks,just smile and their the part that stick out a bit up front on your cheeks,next I used a brown color lip pencil to outline my lips and a to finish off I put a deep red lip gloss on.
Look Complete!
I really like this look,I hope you do too,If you have any questions about this look let me know,if you'd like to follow me on Instagram it's
Friday, January 18, 2013
The Best Chinese Food!
If you are ever in Joplin MO Try this place! :) It was sooo good,the food,all the people that work there are very kind,It was worth every penny! Don't forget to say I told ya about it!
Saturday, January 12, 2013
I've been beading alot lately,trying new things out,what do you think?? plus painting my nails with this beautiful sparkle polish :D how was your week?
I've had a busy one! But it was very good :) Sometimes I wonder how lucky a person can be at times,I know tomorrow is another day and things could change in many ways as each day comes,but I can't help thinking how happy I am that some things the things that matter will remain the same forever xox Much Love!
Monday, January 7, 2013
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