By Ashley Bishop

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Shoe Bakery!

Ok,so this is my first time hearing of this,and I had to share this with you,also is it just me am out of the loop?
A Shoe Bakery??! I cannot believe how adorable these shoes are!
When I was told of their website I think I ran to my computer and behold, it is what is says : ) shoes that look good enough to eat!
But are they a one time wear,no,in fact they are good for many wears to come :) not kidding they are cute cute cute,heres a taste :) oh and please,If you buy a pair or two from there,let them know you found out about it from me ^_^ thanks xo


Monday, April 21, 2014

Just a Pinkie kind of day!

Good morning :) I am up late so it will be morning when most of you see this,I've been thinking of what I want my nails to look like,need a change and painting them always gives them a fresh new look :)
Here's my nail crush list so far,and you'll notice a pattern I think pretty fast.
Lots of pink!!!!!!!!! :)
Have fun xo